Customizable Configuration

This configuration is located below the Bots Configuration, Customizable Configuration is an configuration which will be applied to all of the bots that has been set.

The config below may be outdated, please download it manually or edit it manually via your script.

local customizable = {
	language = 'en',
	parameter = '1-4',
	control = '',

	proxy = {
		enabled = true,
		limit = 3,
		proxies = {

		backup = {
			enabled = false,
			limit = 6,
			proxies = {

	webhook = {
		enabled = true,
		showPing = false,
		showGems = false,
		notifyEveryone = true,
		maximumWorlds = 10,

		debug = {
			enabled = false,
			format = '[%{status}][%{world}] %{name}: %{message}',
			url = '',

		nuked = {
			enabled = false,
			url = ''

		suspended = {
			enabled = false,
			url = ''

	events = {
		onSuspended = {			
			removeAllBot = false,
			changeBot = false,
			removeBot = true

	options = {
		randomRow = false,
		checkJammed = true,
		checkFire = true,

		changeBot = {
			worldChange = {
				enabled = false,
				perWorld = 1

			levelUp = {
				enabled = false,
				perLevel = 1

		pnb = {
			upgradeBackpack = {
				enabled = true,
				maximumSlots = 66
			showAnimation = false

		rotation = 0,

		trash = {
			minimum = 130,
			except = { 7188, 5480 }

		seed = {
			backgroundID = 0

		pack = {
			enabled = true,
			backgroundID = 0,
			limiter = 0,
			upgradeBackpack = true,
			autoConvert = true,
			buyPutAndBreak = false,

			data = {
				name = 'world_lock_10_pack',
				price = 20000,
				id = { 242 }

		rest = {

			world = {
				enabled = false,
				perWorld = 5,
				wait = 120

			specific = {
				enabled = false,
				offset = 7,
				checkPutAndBreak = false,

				times = {
					{ off = '10:30', on = '22:00' }

			rotation = {
				enabled = false,
				perRotation = 1,
				wait = 120

		login = {
			spamLogin = true,
			forceLogin = true,
			limiter = 8,
			time = 5

		reconnect = {
			spamConnect = false,
			limiter = 8,
			time = 5

		blacklistTile = { 
			{ x = 0, y = 0 },
			{ x = 1, y = 0 },

		randomWorld = {
			enabled = false,
			count = 0,
			delay = 8000

		randomChat = {
			enabled = false,
			sentences = { 'lagggg', 'omg growtopia so lag', 'boring bro', 'don\'t be so mad', 'wtf', 'lol', 'gg lol', 'omg', '/love' }

		storeSpecific = {
			enabled = false,
			minimum = 130,
			items = { 9439 },
			storage = {
				world = 'sekutitems1',
				id = 'items'

		autoEquip = {
				item = 98,
				storage = {
					world = 'sekutpickaxe1',
					id = 'pick'
				item = 99,
				storage = {
					world = 'sekutpickaxeseed1',
					id = 'pick'


	general = {
		breakTile = 1,
		blockMaximum = 190,
		seedMaximum = 190,
		storeMaximum = 130,
		collectRange = 3,

	delays = {
		login = 5000,
		skipWorld = 5000,
		buyPack = 1750,
		punch = 165,
		place = 115,
		trash = {
			before = 250,
			after = 1500
		harvest = {
			pathfinding = 50,
			tree = 100
		plant = {
			pathfinding = 60,
			tree = 50
		drop = {
			before = 250,
			after = 1250

Last updated