Auto Equip

You can add up unlimited items to auto equipped by the bot before they are rotating the farms.

Delayed Take

Enable this option so that your bot will have delay so they will not go into the specific world at the same time.

Branch Drop

If this option is enabled, then the bots will branch drop your items if it's in bulk.


You can set the limit to 0 to make the world have no limitation.

This option is useful to set a limit per worlds you have. For example, if you set it's limit to 30 then for bot with the index 1-30 will use the first world, 31-60 will use the second world, etc.

Example Disabling Auto Equip

autoEquip = {}

Example Auto Equip

autoEquip = {
        item = 98, 
        delayedTake = true,
        branchDrop = true,
        limit = 30,
        storages = { 'sekutpickaxe1:pick', 'sekutpickaxe2:pick' } 

Example Multiple Auto Equip

autoEquip = {
        item = 98, 
        delayedTake = true, 
        limit = 30, 
        storages = { 'sekutpickaxe1:pick', 'sekutpickaxe2:pick' } 
        item = 99,
        delayedTake = true,
        limit = 0,
        storages = { 'sekutpickaxe1:pick' }

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