
You need to specify your own setting if other than world lock pack.

Background Id

Set 0 to enable no background dropping.

The background id for dropping packs into.


Set to 0 to enable always buying.

Limiter for bot to buy pack if exceeded the limit amount.

Upgrade Backpack

Automaticly upgrade your bot backpack if it's backpack is full.

Auto Convert

Convert your dropped 100 world locks into 1 diamond lock instantly after drop.

Buy Put and Break

Try to buy packs after every put and break. Recommended if you want to save your world locks before the bot get suspended.


You can use URL for pack data, the format is name:price:id. You can also separate the ids with commas ( , ). For example: world_lock_10_pack:20000:242,1796.

The data of item pack you wish to buy for every bot.

Example URL

pack = {
    enabled = true,
    backgroundID = 0,
    limiter = 20000,
    upgradeBackpack = true,
    autoConvert = true,
    buyPutAndBreak = true,
    data = ''


pack = {
    enabled = true,
    backgroundID = 0,
    limiter = 20000,
    upgradeBackpack = true,
    autoConvert = true,
    buyPutAndBreak = true,
    data = {
        name = 'world_lock_10_pack',
        price = 20000
        id = { 242 }

Last updated